
Showing posts from October, 2010

Welcome to Kelly's Blog

Dennis and I recently took a trip to Kansas City to celebrate Dennis's 40th birthday.  He always wanted to visit arrowhead stadium and what better way to celebrate a birthday.  The Chiefs destroyed my beloved 49ers but the smile on Dennis's face throughout the whole game made it worthwhile. Enjoy some pictures I took of our "mini" vacation.     A Very Happy Husband at Arrowhead Stadium During our trip we also made a few pit stops for some awesome Jazz music at the famous "Blue Room", a tour of the Negro Baseball League Museum and American Jazz Museum , and of course decided if we were "Gates" or "Arthur Bryants" BBQ people.  For me Arthur Bryants won hands down!! Ida McBeth singing "Sweet Inspirations" Yummy!  Dennis loving some KC BBQ Dennis and LeRoy "Satchel" Paige